Freed to Receive One's Truth From Christ ... A homily
Carmelite Spirituality Fr. Michael of the Heart of Jesus, O.C.D. Carmelite Spirituality Fr. Michael of the Heart of Jesus, O.C.D.

Freed to Receive One's Truth From Christ ... A homily

Like the Samaritan woman at the well, Teresa knows by experience the liberation of having been loved by Christ. She knows the liberation of being freed of one’s enslavement to sin. She knows the liberation of being freed of licking one’s own wounds and repeatedly tearing them open again in the desire for justice. At the CORE of Teresa’s spirituality is the experience of ENCOUNTER with Christ...

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Holy Mother, Saint Teresa of Jesus
Carmelite Spirituality Fr. Michael-Joseph of St Thérèse, O.C.D. Carmelite Spirituality Fr. Michael-Joseph of St Thérèse, O.C.D.

Holy Mother, Saint Teresa of Jesus

The question Teresa asks all of us today Is: Do you feel wearied at times by the burdens of earthly relationships? Do you thirst for something greater? Is it possible that God might be calling you? Not simply to say some prayers each night and come to church on Sunday, but to be open to His healing love which he wants to pour out into your life; to let go of those things that you know are holding you back from him? Maybe Teresa’s relationship with God is for you too.

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