The Foundational Virtues of Prayer: CarmelCast Episode 64

Pope Francis has named this year, 2024, a year dedicated to prayer. This season of CarmelCast will examine this essential element of the spiritual life to help you go deeper in your prayer. In this episode, we will start at the very beginning by discussing what prayer is and the fundamental virtues necessary to grow in prayer.

No time to watch now? Tune in as you commute, work out, or do housework by looking us up wherever you listen to podcasts:

Br. John-Mary of Jesus Crucified, O.C.D.

Br. John-Mary is living in the Monastery of Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Washington, DC. His ministries include teaching, spiritual direction, and retreats.


The Practice of the Presence of God: CarmelCast Episode 65


College Students, Friendship, and Carmelite Spirituality: A Reflection on SEEK24