CarmelCast - Episode 8: St. Therese and the Little Way

St. Thérèse of Lisieux, The Little Flower, was called "the greatest saint of modern times" by Pope Saint Piux X. Her "Little Way" has touched the lives of millions throughout the last century. In this episode, Fr. Michael-Joseph of St. Thérèse is joined by Fr. Michael of the Heart of Jesus who unpacks the spirituality and teaching of St. Thérèse and shows how she lived this "Little Way" in her own life.

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Fr. Michael-Joseph of St Thérèse, O.C.D.

Fr. Michael-Joseph Paris entered the Discalced Carmelites in 2016 after several years as a diocesan priest. He is currently living at Holy Hill in Wisconsin.


CarmelCast - Episode 9: Our Lady of Mount Carmel and the Brown Scapular


The Exaltation of the Holy Cross